Boundary Survey
About Boundary Surveys
A boundary survey is a process carried out to determine property lines and define true property corners of a parcel of land described in a deed. It also indicates the extent of any easements or encroachments and may show the limitations imposed on the property by state or local regulations

Conservation Projects

Doohamlet Church Redevelopment
Doohamlet Church was an unusual project due to the vast amounts of voluntary work involved. This was a dull redevelopment which required large scale work including removing the floor of the church.
Lough Derg Basilica
An ongoing project which was required due to the high levels of moisture within the walls. Upon inspection, it was decided that all walls required repair following testing.
Cahan's Church Meeting House
A very historical project due to the exodus from here to New York in 1764. More than half the ceiling had fallen because of major leaks in the roof, this project required a vast amount of work including replacing the ceiling joist.